4 Nov 2019

The Vampire Eirik Cover Reveal

Hail readers!

I am excited to share with you today the cover for the Vampire Eirik, a short story which I am releasing this month, on November 23rd. Take a look! I also include the blurb to wet your appetite.

Readers say they’re “riveted” by “drama” and “exquisite sexual tension”. And the best part? The Vampire Eirik is yours for just 99 cents.

For Peter, a young, carefree engineering student, Norway means a chance for a better financial future — and the opportunity to see a beautiful landscape of fjords, primeval forests, and windswept peaks. A friendly vampire on the other hand — that’s just an unexpected perk.

Yet the landscape conceals a darkness, a hidden ferocity: nature is older than man, and it does not always welcome him. To survive, Peter will have to rely on Eirik. But Eirik is still a vampire, and nature always wins in the end…

A tale of friendship, intimacy and magic, the Vampire Eirik is a short story that’s perfect for bedtime reading.

What readers have said...

★★★★★ “I enjoyed the sexual tension between the characters, it was exquisite.”—Margaux, Goodreads Reviewer.

★★★★★ “I was riveted to the drama; it is my hope that their story has just begun.” —Teresa, Goodreads Reviewer.

The Vampire Eirik will be available not just on Amazon, but also on Smashwords and other major retailers, for (you guessed it) 99 cents. But, if you sign up with your email on the right hand side form, you can get it for free with the newsletter!

About the Story

I wrote this story years ago—I believe it might have been 2015 or more likely 2016. It was a side-project; a release for pent-up creative energy. At the time, I was having trouble trying to get a trade publishing deal for the Necromancer. The deal never came, but this story remained.

I postponed publishing it on account of the fact that I did not want to spend too much money getting a cover designed for it. I reasoned that if I hired a designer to do two covers—one for the story and other for my next full-length title—I would get a better deal. I was correct. Unfortunately, it took years for me to get to that point. It was partly my fault (I made a massive false start with the Ark) but I also wasted a year trying to—you guessed it—get a publishing deal.

Anyway, with Fallen Love complete, I got to work improving and revising the story. Based on feedback I received from another author, I removed a chapter and wrote a new epilogue.

How did the cover come about?

I worked with the same designer I did for Fallen Love: Hampton Lamoureux. (Didn’t you read the “package deal” part?) Right at the start, I told him I didn’t want any character design like I had with Fallen Love or the Sandman. Partly, because it would be more expensive. But also because I had a strong vision for what the cover should incorporate.

The story is set in Trondheim, Norway; it is late winter. Snow and ice is a very prominent theme in the book. Likewise, blood is very important—this is a vampire story don’t ya know? I realised that the contrast between the two would look brilliant.

I think my designer did a great job with the artwork, although the typography is 99% rather than 100%. Nevertheless, it is a better cover than I could have had otherwise, and I am proud to put it on my work.

Anything else?

I will post the buy links as soon as the book is on sale!

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