19 Oct 2014

The Calm Before the Storm...


The Necromancer is coming out on Halloween! Pre-orders are available on Amazon and Smashwords; see the page entitled ‘The Necromancer’.

As of now, I am calm. My proof copy should be coming in a couple of days—upon which I shall evaluate whether any changes need be made, and shall also publish a brief review of Lulu’s print quality—and once I give the go-ahead, marketing will begin.

I am to contact some printing companies in order to get banners printed. Here, take a look:

I have also contacted a couple of reviewers prior to this. Their response has been... lackadaisical. Therefore, I shall also be busy sending out review requests to interested parties.

Finally, I am also considering some paid options. This does, of course, involve some risk—money is money, and you don’t always know exactly what you’re getting for it—but I feel that marketing is far from my expertise; and this book does need a bit of that, if it is to succeed.

In short: publishing is a lot of work. I wasn’t kidding about that.

Is the publishing situation as a whole in bad shape? Absolutely. But that’s something for another time...

I shall also be doing a book signing and a launch in my local libraries—if you live near me, take a look!

Okay. Back to work.

PS: I have also created a Facebook page for the Necromancer. Check it out!

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